Trails, Jumps, Sporthorse

1 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
16.1 hh
Foal Date
January, 2017
United States
Ad Status

Friesian Gelding for Sale in Highland, MI

ONLINE AUCTION Place your bid at PlatinumEquineAuction dot com Auction ends November 20th $3500 Starting bid We are proud to offer Duke for sale. Here’s a horse with a heart the size of Texas and a mind as bright as the stars. Duke is a 5 year old jet black Canadian warmblood gelding who stands 16hh. We expect him to mature at 16.1hh. Duke is built very correct with stout confirmation solid bone structure and nice hooves. If you could snap your fingers and turn your favorite puppy dog into a horse, Duke would appear. He has THE sweetest personality of any horse you will find! Duke will come running to you when you call his name at the pasture gait. This boy has taken to his liberty and trick training like a horse twice his age. He knows how to sit, lay down, count, say yes and no, how to side pass to the mounting block, and how to sit on a bean bag or a pile of shavings but he personally prefers to relax in a recliner. He knows his tricks well and it is effortless on his humans part. This is the type of horse if you give him a job he’s going to get it done! And you only have to show him once he’s as sharp as a tack. In addition to his puppy like qualities he is one stellar riding horse. He has a soft mouth and moves off seat and leg pressure. Duke will side pass pivot back up and has a nice one handed neck rein. He would do amazing in any trail or Obstacle class. He will lead the way, follow behind or even ride away from his buddies. His transitions both upward and down are going to be a force to be reckoned with as he will canter right out of his tracks and stop on a dime. With little effort from his rider. Duke also loves to hit the trails. He has been camping and ridden all over Michigan. Woods roads brush water wildlife all no issue for him. He will ride out in a group or alone. He has also been exposed to Michigans hunt country and we think he would be a stellar hunt horse. He’s participated in a few paces and loves it! Duke also has some basic dressage training and is schooling some 1st level moves. We have also started him over fences and this boy jumps in great form. He marches around hunter courses inside and out with ease. Again give him a job and he will be happy to do it. He holds a steady pace to the fences and you do not have to be accurate to jump him around he will take a joke! This boy has potential to be a top contender in the show ring in a variety of disciplines. He has also been driven and is 100% road and traffic safe! Duke is going to check off a lot of boxes on a lot of peoples wish lists and this is the type you do not want to pass up on. Enjoy the video he will speak volumes for himself. Duke lives in Highland MI 48356. Feel Free to call or text Ellesse at 248-390-6831 with questions. ONLINE AUCTION Place your bid at PlatinumEquineAuction dot com Auction ends November 20th $3500 Starting bid

Contact about Duke

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