Large bay Pony Mare

3 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
14.0 hh
Foal Date
United States
Ad Status

Pony Mare for Sale in New Smyrna Beach, FL

Atlas is a large bay pony mare currently standing right under 14.1. She is 10 years young. Atlas was taken out of a bad situation and ended up at a rescue where I adopted her from. Since then, I have started her on the Clinton Anderson fundamentals and she has grown onto me and learned to trust humans. She is still shy when out in the field but once you touch her and show her you're not going to hurt her she's fine. She will stand on the cross ties to be groomed all day. We are currently walk, trot, cantering, and started small courses (x-rails-2'foot) with plenty of scope. She is still green and will need a seasoned rider to help her pick up correct leads and show her the way to fences. She could also make a wonderful walk trot pony for an advanced kid, as I give my 7 year old brother lessons on her. She is a kick ride, but still green. She would also make a great trail horse, she has been out once and was great with traffic, including motorcycles. If you are interested in this pony please contact me, I will be picky where she ends up because I don't want her to end up in another bad situation. UTD on everything except coggins which I will be getting before purchasing, just had teeth and feet done.

About New Smyrna Beach, FL

The area was first settled by Europeans in 1768, when Scottish physician Dr. Andrew Turnbull, a friend of James Grant, the governor of British East Florida, established the colony of New Smyrna. Dr. Turnbull had married the daughter of a merchant from the Greek city of Smyrna (modern-day İzmir in Turkey) and named the settlement in honor of his wife's birthplace and the homeland of those in his future labor force who were Greek. No one had previously attempted to settle so many people at one time in a town in North America.

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