Guaranteed Safe Blue Roan

Blue Roan
1 (1 - calm; 10 - spirited)
Reg Number
15.2 hh
Foal Date
January, 2019
United States
Ad Status

Draft Mare for Sale in Taneyville, MO

Blueberry A very SWEET, WILLING & KIND, coming 4yo blue roan draft cross mare. 15.2 hands. Blueberry is part Brabant & Percheron. She's put together just beautifully! Blueberry is the whole package, beauty & brains!!!! She is the ultimate all around/family friendly horse. Blueberry has been a doll with all the children that have been around her here at our farm. She's also been super respectful with our kids on her back. Her ground manners are impeccable. This blue beauty loves attention & affection of any kind. She's not only beautiful but she rides PERFECT & drives PERFECT - double or single great! Her nickname should be Mary Poppins, as she practically perfect in every way. Very Traffic safe, VERY willing to try new & scary things. We've taken Blueberry to our local public park and exposed her to an electric dam, strollers, bicycles, under & over bridges, screaming/crying children, lots of traffic, barking dogs, geese, tight squeezes, close walls, sidewalks, speed boats, and much more, and none of these bothered her in any way! Recently we hauled her to a local Gymkhana play day and she did fantastic and placed in 3 of the classes. This was the first time she has ever been asked to compete & first time in the arena. Some of the things she did were barrel race, pole bend, key hole, Texas barrels, flag race & more. We are so proud of the willingness & agility she gave us. Blueberry has No buck, no rear, no silliness, just a lovely, very laid back mare. Would prefer to follow on the trails because her pace is slower on the trails but will lead when asked. We ride her out alone as well as in groups of other horses and mules. No matter how you ride her, she does great and really thrives on the bond with her rider/handler. Although, She does just love people and children in general but loves to be praised when she does well or works hard. Blueberry gets along great in a herd/ pasture setting, is not marish or alpha. She's never in hurry unless asked & will not rush back to the barn. Blueberry is great on or off trails. Her gaits are lovely, her trot is nice & her lope is amazing. Blueberry is definitely an all around horse, she has done everything we've asked of her and she's always given her best. If your wanting a full figured, flashy gal that is a great family horse that loves children, tolerates strollers, screaming babies, Rides & drives wonderful, then here's your girl. We have jumped her in the forest over logs, she is willing & quite smooth. Blueberry would also make a fantastic vaulting prospect or even perfect for a therapy program. We have ridden this mare Western, English, bareback, double ridden bareback, we have even ridden her bareback with one adult & 3 kids. Blueberry is the ultimate family Cadillac. We guarantee her to be 100% sound & compatible for any rider/driver & to prove it to you we do provide a trial period. Blueberry also: ties, loads, hauls & fantastic for the farrier without stalks. FOR VIDEO OR MORE INFO PLEASE EMAIL OR CALL.

About Taneyville, MO

A post office called Taneyville has been in operation since 1894. The community name was derived from that of Taney County.

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